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June 6, 2009

Our little guy! So grateful for him! Captured by Shawn
Captured by Shawn. Kesten takes after his mommy he doesn't stay still very long although I think this is found with most babies it is so hard to grab that perfect shot. - 3 months old

He loves his daddy! He got his hip brace off May 7th

This is the only one I captured out of all of them. He is asleep of course heh Shawn is so good at capturing his smiles as you can tell. He must be happy that he doesn't have to sleep with it.

I took this picture with Shawns phone about three weeks ago I bet I took over 20 to 30 pictures trying to capture his smile oh well.

Shawn doesn't liek pictures but he is so good at getting Kesten to sleep at night it is so cute.

2 months oldmost of these pictures were taken in May the three that have were captured by shawn are when he is 3 months old this blog is all out of order I will try to do better next blog

1 month old

I lost my camera about two months ago! Not sure where it is! Shawn took this picture with his cell phone! We went to Kiddie Kandits about a week ago. I hope to get a few of those sent out to family and friends. This picture was taken June 1st 2009! Kesten will be officially 3 months old this June 10th!

At Primary Childrens as everyone knows there are children that have major difficulties and it makes me more worried. I am grateful for all the wonderful little miracles in my life and how blessed I am. I am even more in debt to my Savior forever. I am so grateful for The Gospel in my life and the knowledge that I have. Prayer is so powerful. It is so easy to get anixety for my little guy Kesten - I am a worrier. But, I know the Lord is helping me with my weaknesses in his own special way. I am so grateful to have a son and be his mother.

April 21, 2009

Kesten is officially 6 weeks old today! He loves the Night Life!! I usually am waking up almost every hour it seems. Then by day he is sleeping 2- 4 hours in one nap! If he could do this flipped that would be great. I am still struggling with breast feeding now that Kesten is used to all the bottles he won't feed off me at all. I am down to using my breast pump 2-3 times a day and then feed him the milk through a bottle. Which I know is not going to make my milk progress. At least for now he is gettting a little bit here and there. When I run out of milk that will be the end of breast milk for him its kind of dissapointing.

I wish in the beginning the first week of his life I would of tried harder to get him to latch on. I wish the lactation consultant would not of given me that stupid nipple shield. The nurse never even let me try to get him to latch on. She just said here use this. So, by the time I got home well stayed with my mom while she was visiting he was too use to the nipple shield! We couldn't get him to latch on.:(
Later, I read that babies aren't even that hungry in the first few days to give you time to practice and him time to learn how to! When I read this I was so mad. I thought my baby was straving. So, I would have the nurse feed him bottles in the nursery. It would be so convient and cost effective for me to breast feed.

Me and Shawn's family are going to be traveling to the sand dunes in May. It would be very convinent to take him up there breast feeding him the whole time. No bottles, no baby water to mix with formula. Oh well, formula is the next best thing for him. I will just do all this at the sand dunes not looking forward to it.

April 20, 2009

Kesten wants to be in the ballet one day so we got him this brace so that he can go pro one day.
No just kidding he has immature hips. He has to wear it for 1 month 24/7 except for one hour each day he can take it off to get a bath and stretch those tiny little muscles. I was scared at first that we would break his legs when we hold him but they have so many clever devices to correct things before they get too bad. I just keep telling my self okay one month of consistent wearing and then in a month they will do another ultrasound to see if his hips are locking in socket. If they are good then he will only have to wear it at night up to an additional month. But to be on the safe side I would like him to wear it every night for the first 3 months of his life to be sure they grow enough in place. I am so grateful for trained and observant doctors who caught it so early on. Thank God for medical professionals.

I am hungry and want some food!!! Please. ;)

This is what he looks like after he has been fed and burped really good.

He loves to sleep with his arms and hands up like this.

Hanging out with mom

Red eyes oops I forgot to change the setting on my camera.


Hey give me that camera...

Whoa watch out I am going to fall off this bed!

He looks like he is going to fight yah huh

Most of these pictures were taken in the last three days. His head is still quite heavy to hold up but he is doing good non the less.

The dates on here are correct. Kesten 5 weeks.

Kesten 4 weeks. Shawn works really early mornings. But he loves to cuddle Kesten just before he has to get out of bed to work.

This is the only picture you will see of me in here just because I look horrible.

the year is wrong on here of course but the day and month are right. March 20th 2009 so that makes him 10 days old.

I'ma CRAZY hungry frustrated man.

Okay here I am this is not current of me but here is Kesten at just a few days old this was taken by mom and she came out for March 12th - the 17th so he wasn't even a 1 week old.

I was visiting with my Mother in the other room and I came in to check on the boys and here they were.

Poor guy had a mom that doesn't know how to change diapers and gets destin all over. Shawn had to change his diapers for the first week because he would cry and I could not help but worry that I would hurt him. Thanks Shawn.

not even a week old.

My sweet mother Becky with Baby Kesten.

Couple days old.